<template> <div class="overflow-hidden"> <section class="relative z-10 text-white h-[700px] sm:h-[900px] rounded-b-lg bg-cover bg-no-repeat bg-center bg-blend-multiply bg-gray-300 bg-[url('../public/img/home-header.jfif')]" > <HeaderComponent current-page="home"></HeaderComponent> <h2 class="text-[54px] font-bold leading-[4.5rem] max-w-lg ml-24 mt-20 sm:mt-[187px]" > Moving to Portugal? </h2> <p class="text-2xl ml-24 mt-[10px] max-w-[434px] font-gilroy"> Let the experts of the ACK ecosystem handle your administrative headaches </p> <button class="rounded bg-blue text-white ml-24 mt-10 py-3.5 px-10 w-[270px] font-medium text-lg hover:bg-blue-700 transition-colors" > Help to emigrate </button> </section> <!-- Reviews --> <section class="mt-16 relative"> <div class="absolute bg-gray-bg blur-[58px] rounded-[190px] w-[380px] h-[380px] z-0 -top-[134px] -left-[87px]" ></div> <div class="z-10 w-[85.4%] mx-auto flex justify-between items-center h-36 relative" > <button @click="reviewLeft" class="mr-3"> <LeftArrow class="text-blue"></LeftArrow> </button> <div class="flex gap-[38px] items-center relative" :class="{ slideLeft: slideLeft, slideRight: slideRight }" > <ReviewComponent v-for="(review, index) in reviews" :key="index" :data="review.data" :class="[ { hidden: review.hidden, '-left-[373px]': review.isLeft }, review.absolute ? 'absolute' : 'relative', review.isRight ? '-right-[373px]' : '', review.fade ? 'fade' : 'unfade', ]" ></ReviewComponent> </div> <button @click="reviewRight" class="ml-3"> <RightArrow class="text-blue"></RightArrow> </button> </div> </section> <!-- Services --> <section class="mt-32 relative"> <div class="absolute bg-gray-bg blur-[58px] rounded-[190px] w-[255px] h-[255px] z-0 -right-[65px] top-[42%]" ></div> <div class="relative z-10"> <h1 class="text-center font-medium text-[54px] leading-[4.5rem] relative" > <span class="text-dark">Our </span> <span class="text-blue-text" >Services <FeatureSvg class="inline absolute -top-3 -translate-x-[3px]" ></FeatureSvg> </span> </h1> <h2 class="text-dark text-center font-medium text-[2rem] leading-[42px] mt-4" > Tailor-made solutions for your unique situation </h2> <p class="text-[15px] leading-[18px] mt-8 w-[92.5%] mx-auto"> On the other hand, we denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who are so beguiled and demoralized by the charms of pleasure of the moment, so blinded by desire, that they cannot foresee the pain and trouble that are bound to ensue; and equal blame belongs to those who fail in their duty through weakness of will </p> <div class="grid w-max mx-auto gap-[31px] mt-4 justify-center grid-cols-1 min-[700px]:grid-cols-2 min-[1000px]:grid-cols-3 min-[1400px]:grid-cols-4 min-[1800px]:grid-cols-5" > <ServiceCard v-for="service in services" :key="service.service" :data="service" ></ServiceCard> <ServiceQuestionCard></ServiceQuestionCard> </div> </div> </section> <section class="mt-12 sm:mt-[100px] text-white bg-cover bg-no-repeat bg-center bg-blend-multiply bg-dark-400 bg-[url('../public/img/home-bg-2.png')]" > <h1 class="mt-14 sm:mt-[106px] text-[3.375rem] leading-[4.5rem] text-center relative" > Our Story <FeatureSvg class="inline absolute -top-3 -translate-x-[3px]" ></FeatureSvg> </h1> <p class="mt-10 mb-14 sm:mb-[102px] text-lg leading-[1.625rem] text-center mx-auto w-[66%]"> We can help you reimagine your business through a digital lens. Our software engineering heritage combined with our strategic business and innovation consulting, design thinking, and physical-digital capabilities provide real business value to our customers through human-centric innovation. <br><br> There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don't look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isn't anything embarrassing hidden in the middle of text. All the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet tend. </p> </section> <section> <h1> Team </h1> </section> <footer class="mt-10"></footer> </div> </template> <script> import HeaderComponent from "../components/HeaderComponent.vue"; import ReviewComponent from "../components/ReviewComponent.vue"; import ServiceCard from "../components/ServiceCard.vue"; import ServiceQuestionCard from "../components/ServiceQuestionCard.vue"; import RightArrow from "../components/svg/RightArrow.vue"; import LeftArrow from "../components/svg/LeftArrow.vue"; import ReviewsMixin from "../components/mixins/ReviewsMixin.vue"; import ServicesMixin from "../components/mixins/ServicesMixin.vue"; import FeatureSvg from "../components/svg/FeatureSvg.vue"; export default { name: "HomePage", data() { return { slideLeft: false, slideRight: false, firstReview: 0, lastReview: 2, sliderRunning: false, windowWidth: window.innerWidth, }; }, mounted() { window.addEventListener("resize", this.onWidthChange); this.onWidthChange(); this.updateReviews(); }, beforeDestroy() { window.removeEventListener("resize", this.onWidthChange); }, methods: { onWidthChange() { this.windowWidth = window.innerWidth; let newLast = this.lastReview; let newFirst = this.firstReview; let elementsDisplayed = this.lastReview - this.firstReview + 1; if (newLast >= this.reviews.length) { newLast = this.reviews.length - 1; } //Small screens, max 1 element if (this.windowWidth < 900) { if (elementsDisplayed > 1) { newLast = this.firstReview; } //Medium screens, max 2 elements } else if (this.windowWidth < 1300) { if (elementsDisplayed > 2) { newLast = this.firstReview + 1; } else if (elementsDisplayed < 2) { if (this.reviews.length > 3) { let nextOutOfBounds = newLast + 1 >= this.reviews.length; if (nextOutOfBounds) { if (newFirst > 0) { newFirst--; } } else { newLast++; } } else { newFirst = 0; newLast = 1; } } //Large screens, max 3 elements } else { if (elementsDisplayed > 3) { newLast = this.firstReview + 1; this.updateReviews(); } else if (elementsDisplayed < 3) { let mustDisplay = this.reviews.length > 3 ? 3 : this.reviews.length - 1; let nextOutOfBounds = newLast + 1 >= this.reviews.length; while (!nextOutOfBounds && elementsDisplayed < mustDisplay) { newLast++; nextOutOfBounds = newLast + 1 >= this.reviews.length; elementsDisplayed = newLast - newFirst + 1; } let prevOutOfBounds = newFirst - 1 < 0; while (!prevOutOfBounds && elementsDisplayed < mustDisplay) { newFirst--; prevOutOfBounds = newFirst - 1 < 0; elementsDisplayed = newLast - newFirst + 1; } } } if (newFirst !== this.firstReview || newLast !== this.lastReview) { this.firstReview = newFirst; this.lastReview = newLast; this.updateReviews(); } }, updateReviews() { let newReviews = [...this.reviews]; for (let i = 0; i < this.reviews.length; i++) { if (i >= this.firstReview && i <= this.lastReview) { newReviews[i].absolute = false; newReviews[i].fade = false; newReviews[i].hidden = false; } else { newReviews[i].absolute = true; newReviews[i].fade = true; newReviews[i].hidden = true; } } this.reviews = newReviews; }, reviewLeft() { let reviewsCount = this.reviews.length; if (this.sliderRunning || reviewsCount <= 1) { return; } this.sliderRunning = true; this.slideLeft = true; let elementToFadeIndex = this.firstReview; if (this.lastReview + 1 >= reviewsCount) { //Move first element to end this.reviews.push(this.reviews.splice(0, 1)[0]); if (elementToFadeIndex > 0) { elementToFadeIndex--; } } else { this.lastReview++; this.firstReview++; } this.$set(this.reviews[elementToFadeIndex], "fade", true); this.$set(this.reviews[this.lastReview], "hidden", false); this.$set(this.reviews[this.lastReview], "fade", false); this.$set(this.reviews[this.lastReview], "isRight", true); setTimeout(() => { this.$set(this.reviews[elementToFadeIndex], "hidden", true); this.$set(this.reviews[elementToFadeIndex], "absolute", true); this.$set(this.reviews[this.lastReview], "absolute", false); this.$set(this.reviews[this.lastReview], "isRight", false); this.slideLeft = false; this.sliderRunning = false; }, 150); }, reviewRight() { let reviewsCount = this.reviews.length; if (this.sliderRunning || reviewsCount <= 1) { return; } this.sliderRunning = true; this.slideRight = true; let lastReview = this.lastReview; if (this.firstReview - 1 < 0) { //Move last element to start this.reviews.unshift(this.reviews.splice(reviewsCount - 1, 1)[0]); if (this.lastReview + 1 < reviewsCount) { lastReview++; } } else { this.firstReview--; this.lastReview--; } this.$set(this.reviews[lastReview], "fade", true); this.$set(this.reviews[this.firstReview], "hidden", false); this.$set(this.reviews[this.firstReview], "fade", false); this.$set(this.reviews[this.firstReview], "isLeft", true); setTimeout(() => { this.$set(this.reviews[lastReview], "hidden", true); this.$set(this.reviews[lastReview], "absolute", true); this.$set(this.reviews[this.firstReview], "absolute", false); this.$set(this.reviews[this.firstReview], "isLeft", false); this.slideRight = false; this.sliderRunning = false; }, 150); }, }, components: { HeaderComponent, ReviewComponent, LeftArrow, RightArrow, FeatureSvg, ServiceCard, ServiceQuestionCard, }, mixins: [ReviewsMixin, ServicesMixin], }; </script> <style scoped> .slideRight { left: 0px; animation: slideRight 150ms 1 ease-in-out; } @keyframes slideRight { 0% { left: 0px; } 100% { left: 373px; } } .slideLeft { right: 0px; animation: slideLeft 150ms 1 ease-in-out; } @keyframes slideLeft { 0% { right: 0px; } 100% { right: 373px; } } .fade { opacity: 0; animation: fade 150ms 1 ease-in; } @keyframes fade { 0% { opacity: 1; } 100% { opacity: 0; } } .unfade { opacity: 1; animation: unfade 150ms 1 ease-out; } @keyframes unfade { 0% { opacity: 0; } 100% { opacity: 1; } } </style>